DLR Lab Organized a Workshop on MOOC in Scientific Research Writing

Published Date: 2017-11-17, Friday


Digital Learning Research Lab (DLR Lab) organized a Workshop on MOOC in Scientific Research Writing” on 7 November 2017. The objective of this workshop was to develop and finalize the syllabus on scientific research writing. Hence Professors who are involved in several research projects were invited in the event.

Mr. Manoj Shakya and Mr. Sushil Shrestha, Assistant Professors at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, are the Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator of this research project.

The program started with the presentation from Mr. Shakya, where he highlighted about the MOOC, its popularity and presented a draft curriculum developed by the research team. The presentation was followed by interactions. The program ended with the finalization of course syllabus.

This research project is funded by NAST (Nepal Academy of Science and Technology) and the project timeline is one year.

To know more about this project, visit: http://www.ku.edu.np/cse/dlrlab/msrw/



Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2017-11-17,Friday
Published By: Kathmandu University