DESE Organized One-day Workshop

Published Date: 2018-08-20, Monday


Department of Environmental Science and Engineering(DESE), successfully organized one day workshop
on 15 th August 2018 at Kathmandu University, Central Campus, Dulikhel, Kavre. The program was
organized in collaboration with Society of Environmental Engineers of Nepal. The program had
presentation on selection criteria of wastewater treatment plants by Er. Bijay Thapa followed by another
presentation on low cost wastewater technology by Mr. Dirk Koot a wastewater expert from
Netherlands. As a part of the workshop a field visit to the rock filter treatment plant in the premises of
campus was done and the advantages of natural cleaning was discussed. The workshop was attended by
the students of M.Sc. in Environmental and Natural Resource and M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering.
The workshop helped the students to learn in a practical approach about the issues related to
wastewater technologies. Prof. Dr. Bibhuti Ranjan Jha, Head of the Department gave closing remarks
and highlighted on importance of this type of workshop for capacity building of the students.


Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2018-08-20,Monday
Published By: Kathmandu University