Delegates from Fudan University Visit KU

Published Date: 2015-02-11, Wednesday

Delegates from Fudan University Visit KU

Kathmandu University welcomed six delegates from Fudan University, China on 15 December 2014 in its Central Premises, Dhulikhel.

Mr. Zhao Quanyu, Deputy Director, International Students Office; Ms. Wang Lei, Program Manager, International Students Office; Mr. Ying Jiangang, Professor and Associate Dean of School of Mathematical Sciences; Mr. Zhang Liang, Professor, School of Computer Science; Mr, Cao Bochao, Lecturer, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, and Mr. Gao Haifeng, Program Manager, Admission Office of Shanghai Medical College met the Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha and the Registrar Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa and discussed the possible ways to strengthen the relationship between the two universities.

Six students who graduated from Kathmandu University High School (KUHS) have been studying Engineering at Fudan University with full scholarship. Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shrestha inquired about the performances of those students studying at Fudan University.

The delegates also discussed the avenues for extending their relationship beyond KUHS to the various Departments of KU.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2015-02-11,Wednesday
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