CALL FOR PROPOSAL - 2015 (Community Education Project)

Published Date: 2015-03-02, Monday

March 02, 2015


Community Education Project (CEP) is a program run by Kathmandu University (KU) that intends to work in collaboration with national and international organizations and agencies, for improving the quality of life of rural people, through Community Education Programs.

CEP invites proposals for the Community Based Projects as well as community activities to be conducted in areas like Langtang region (Syaphrubesi, Dhunche, Ghatlang), Tamakoshi region (Lamabagar, Singati, Charikot, Jiri, Manthali) and outreach centers of Dhulikhel Hospital (Salambu, Manekharka, Kattike Deurali, Dapcha, Bahunepati, Baluwa, Khimti). The main objective is to create a platform for students to disseminate their knowledge to upgrade and enhance the lifestyle of community people. Only selected proposals will be financially supported by CEP. The implementation period for the selected projects will be from the date of approval to July, 2015.

Interested faculties of Kathmandu University (open to all schools) need to submit their proposals including budget details and detail program schedule (refer to the proposal format of CEP). The faculties must involve students (undergraduate/graduate) to conduct proposed community activities. The deadline for submission of proposal is March 20, 2015.

Submit your proposal to CEP office (Block 08, Room 501).

[Click Here to download the Praposal Format]

Project Coordinator

Community Education Project (CEP)

Kathmandu University

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2015-03-02,Monday
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