Call for Post-Doctoral Research Proposals (NORHED SUNREM-Himalaya Project)

Published Date: 2014-11-16, Sunday

Call for Post-Doctoral Research Proposals

NORHED SUNREM-Himalaya Project


The NORHED SUNREM-Himalaya Project announces the call for proposal from faculty members in the School of Science.  The proposals should address topics related to the central theme “Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalayan Region”.  Interested faculty members are requested to submit full proposals to the Project Coordinator, SUNREM-Himalaya Project, AEC/DESE, School of Science, Kathmandu University by 15th December 2014.  Submitted proposals will be evaluated and selected for funding by a committee by 30th December 2014.  Proposals awarded funding will take effect from 1st January 2015.



Faculty members within the School of Science who have completed their PhD degrees and have proven research interest and capacity (as evidenced by papers published in peer-reviewed international Journals with impact factor).



The general format and headings to be included in the proposal are:

  1. Introduction/background (brief)
  2. Review of literature (state of the art)
  3. Objectives (these should be specific and achievable in the time frame)
  4. Rationale or justification for the research
  5. Materials and methods (including conceptual diagram)
  6. Activities, work schedule/time frame of research (max. duration of 2 years)
  7. Expected outputs and benefits to stakeholders
  8. Proposed budget (limit of Rs. 600,000 per project)
  9. References cited



Full proposals not exceeding 10 typed pages including figures and references are to be submitted by December 15, 2014 to Prof. R.M. Bajracharya at AEC, SoS, KU.

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2014-11-16,Sunday
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