ArtEngineering Workshop has been conducted at Kathmandu University on 15 March 2013

Published Date: 2013-03-21, Thursday

15 March 2013

Kathmandu University

A Four-day long ArtEngineering Workshop concluded in Kathmandu University on 15 March 2013. Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering in association with the Centre for Art and Design of School of Arts of Kathmandu University organized this workshop with the main objective to develop analytical: creativeness and collaborative design concept on ART and Engineering student of KU with utilization of Metal Junks.

Registrar Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Dean School Of Engineering welcomed the guests and the participants and expressed pride in being able to conduct the second edition of the workshop following a successful organization of “SAMYOJAN the new dimension - Workshop on Metal Casting by Lost Wax Method” a year before. He expressed the outcome of first edition as being successful in manufacturing a 2 KW Francis Turbine, a first of its working kind in Nepal using the Lost wax Technique. He further recommended for conducting other editions of the ArtEngineering by electrical, computer and music departments.

Associate Prof. Dr. Bim P. Shrestha discussed about the synergic combination of students from arts and engineering in designing a product. He talked about the life that Art can provide in product design; and motivated the participants for the good time at workshop.

Similarly, Mr. Biraj Singh Thapa, Faculty in charge, Turbine Testing Lab expressed his pleasure in conducting this workshop and disclosed about the previous edition using Lost Wax Metal Casting being successful in casting a Francis Turbine. In the same manner Mr. Tejesh Man Shakya, express his thought on art being only limited to dreams without engineering. He presented the use of junk metal as an art.

In total 32 students, 13 from Art and 19 from engineering participated in the workshop, were kept under the close supervision of program coordinator Krishna P. Shrestha, Instructor BhuvanThapa and Tejesh Man Shakya.

The participants got an exposure to Metal Joining processes. In addition to it, painting was also done to give the product esthetic value without losing art philosophy. The products prepared by the participants were demonstrated to the Chairperson Vice-Chancellor Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju, Prof. Dr. BholaThapa, Dean, School of Engineering and Associate Prof. Dr. Bim P. Shrestha.

In the closing ceremony, Dr. Thapa expressed his delight in the products prepared in the limited time frame. He also motivated for the further edition of ArtEngineering not to be limited to Art and Mechanical department and the location of the workshop to be expanded further from university premises. Similarly, Dr. Bim P. Shrestha appreciated the participants for their works and suggested the participants to create nameplate to preserve their own art work. During the end session, the certificates were distributed to all the participants and technical team.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2013-03-21,Thursday
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