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View all programsPublished Date: 2018-07-26, Thursday
Application Call
Industrial Visit Opportunity for KU students to Sake Industry in Japan
DoEEE- Funaki Farming Association Cooperation
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Engineering, Kathmandu University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Funaki Farming Association, Hyogo, Japan on 9th July 2018 to provide students of DoEEE an opportunity to visit Sake Industry and Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan.
to sense the cutting edge technology.
Program for 2018:
Date and Duration: October, 2018, approximately two weeks
No. of participating students: 2-3
Location: Hyogo, Japan
Major activities:
Visit to Kwansei Gakuin University to understand education system in Nepal and Japan, interaction with specific research group to discuss research activities related to radio wave communication technology.
Logistic Support:
Accommodation, food and local transportation will be supported by Funaki Farming Association in coordination with the escorting staffs.
International travel (airfare), visa fees and other expenses will be the responsibility of the participating student.
Escorting Staff(s):
Applicant must be the student of THIRD year or FOURTH year studying undergraduate in engineering at DoEEE (those who have just appeared in final exam but have not graduated are also eligible).
Application process and Screening:
Eligible applicants should email to with:
1. Motivation letter explaining why you want to participate in this program.
2. Self declaration stating the travel is suitable (not objectionable) with your academic schedule and you can support your airfare expenses.
3. CV
4. Summary of your academic performances till now (grades)
Incomplete application will not be processed
Document evaluation and interview. Short-listed applicants for interview will be notified
1st August 2018
Other Information:
Accommodation and food will be arranged in home stays.
Kathmandu University and Japanese Industry will assist and facilitate in VISA processing but visa processing will be responsibility of individual participants.
The program will go on only if visit permit (VISA) is granted.
*NOTE: The decision of selection committee will be final regarding the short-listing and final recipients. Selection will be made on the basis of relevant academic achievement motivation.