Application Call for Job Placement NEA Engineering Company, Nepal

Published Date: 2018-02-12, Monday

Application Call for Job Placement NEA Engineering Company, Nepal


With reference to the MOU between Kathmandu University (KU) and NEA Engineering Company (NEC,, signed on 2074-07-30, and the decision of NEA Engineering Company dated 2074-09-03, NEC has enter the framework of agreement with Kathmandu University to provide job placement at NEC.


Beginning with Academic Year 2074, the top three performers amongst the fresh graduates from KU, from the following three departments will be offered the position of Engineer starting with one year job contract at NEC in the following manner:


a.Civil Engineering Department -  Civil and Hydropower Engineer – 1 (one)

b.Electrical Engineering Department -  Electrical Engineer – 1 (one)

c.Mechanical Engineering Department - Mechanical Engineer – 1 (one)


Hereby, all the interested candidates among the toppers in the respective departments are invited to submit an application for the selection purpose. Application should include the following documents:


  1. Cover letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Copy of Nepalese citizenship
  4. Copy of Academic Transcript of Bachelor of Engineering
  5. Recommendation letter from relevant faculty member at KU


Please submit the application by 16th February 11, 2018 to:


The Focal Person

KU-NEC Cooperation Programme

School of Engineering

Kathmandu University


The application can be sent by email at, with all the documents in pdf format. Incomplete applications will not be processed.



Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2018-02-12,Monday
Published By: Kathmandu University