Application call for interested Participants for Workshop in Art Engineering II (Utilization of Metal Junk)

Published Date: 2013-03-08, Friday

Kathmandu University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Turbine Testing Lab


Subject: Application call for interested Participants for Workshop in Art Engineering II
(Utilization of Metal Junk)

Art and Engineering technology can play a leading role to provide innovating esthetic, commercial and engineering value for these junk metals. ArtEngineering II workshop will play an innovative role for making objects from junk metals through the intersection of ideas from art and engineering students. This workshop will expect to create the new horizon for the junk metals management and its effective use.

Kathmandu University, Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Centre for Arts and Design is organizing a 4 days’ workshop titled as “Workshop on ArtEngineering-II - Utilization OF applied in ART as well as in Engineering re-using the metal junk. The workshop will be conducted at Mechanical Workshop, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel from 12-15 March 2013.

Workshop on ArtEngineering-II is targeted to the students and researchers from Kathmandu University School of Engineering and Centre for Art and Design. This workshop is planned for 25 participants. Workshop will accommodate 13 students from Centre for art and Design and 12 students from Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Hereby, Department of Mechanical Engineering calls application from the interested participants. The application form and brochure can be downloaded from or can be obtained from TTL office. The application has to be submitted to TTL office or by email to no later than 10 March 2013. In case of higher number of applicants the selection will be done by the organizing committee based on the background and motivation of applicants. The list of selected participants will be published on 11 March 2013. A subsidized registration fee of NRS 500 (Five Hundred only) should be paid by all the participants to attend the workshop.


Manifesto and Application Form

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2013-03-08,Friday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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