Announcement on Guidance and Counseling

Published Date: 2018-05-04, Friday

The Guidance and Counseling Cell announces an initiation of Counseling Services at the Main Campus premises. Use the Counseling opportunity and grow healthy, happy and productive.

What Counseling is:

Counseling is about helping you understand yourself and your situation and make some changes if you feel ready to do so.

Counseling takes place because you want it yourself or someone suggests that you need it. However, counseling works better when you take it on your own.

Counseling takes place when you decide and number of sessions depends upon the complexity of your problem.

Counseling helps at three levels: it helps you do better than you are doing now, it helps you prevent yourself from possible psychological hazards, and it helps solve problems if there are any. Hence, every individual can take counseling.

Meeting with a counselor gives you an opportunity to explore the problems or concerns in some depth in safe, non-judgmental and confidential environment. By listening closely, counselor begins to help you see the issues more clearly and together you can make up new and different choices about how to deal with the things in future.

In each session, counseling helps you see yourself, your future and the world more realistically on the basis of different psychological perspectives but without passing any suggestions and advices.

Each session of counseling gives you an opportunity to talk about bottled up feelings and express and accept these feelings without being overwhelmed by them.

What Counseling is for:
  • Feeling low energy, lonely, helpless, hopeless and suicidal 
  • Low self esteem, confidence and poor self image
  • Feeling stressed, anxious,  irritated and overwhelmed
  • Aggression, guilt, shame, and thought problems (negative thinking)
  • Relationship concerns: conflicts, separation and adjustment problems
  • Social isolation/ shyness/ fearfulness/ performance anxiety
  • Substance use and dependency, behavioral problems
  • Academic concern: poor study habit, low achievement and poor performance
  • Career Concerns
  • Sexual concerns
  • Grief and loss
What are the services available?

1.Guidance on academic concerns and career issues

2.Counseling for emotional, behavioral and relationship issues


Who are to contact?

Mr. Madhav Khatiwada, Lecturer and Counselor, 9841725698

Dr. Hem Raj Kafle, HMU Coordinator, 9801670057

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2018-05-04,Friday
Published By: Kathmandu University