Agreement signed between Terre des Hommes, Switzerland and School of Science

Published Date: 2013-12-08, Sunday


Agreement signed between Terre des Hommes, Switzerland and School of Science

 Foundation Terre des hommes Lausanne and Kathmandu University
Research and Project Impact Assessment: Salyan and Humla Districts
December 2013 to August 14, 2016


5 Dec. 2013

Kathmandu University School of Science signed an agreement with Terre des homes (TdH) Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland to promote research in the field of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Mother and Child Health- Project Impact Assessment in Salyan and Humla Districts. KU hopes the partnership with Tdh will lead to generation of new knowledge for the benefit of local people and the nation at large.

In addition, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUMS) will contribute to the health component for conducting surveys and research activities related to mother and child health as well as adolescent health.  Through this collaboration KU will have a suitable platform for its students and also faculty to enhance their knowledge in mother and child health and water and sanitation programs, and to suggest collective measures to minimize the risks to human health.

Graduate and undergraduate level students’ short-term involvement as interns/field data collection/research assistants to Ph.D. scholars is also proposed, which in turn will strengthen the quality of research at Kathmandu University by strengthening the capacity of students during the three-year partnership. Ph.D. Scholars under supervision of KU professors (Prof. Subodh Sharma and Dr. Rajendra Koju) will work closely with Tdh health and WASH national team as well as Tdh Training and Development Department along with regional advisors as and when needed to carry out the roles and responsibilities as defined in ToR to achieve the objectives of the study.

More information about the project can be obtained from the Office of Director, Aquatic Ecology Centre, School of Science, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre.


  Photos taken at the time of signing of agreement (left) followed by lunch in KU Canteen (right).




Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2013-12-08,Sunday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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