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View all programsPublished Date: 2015-12-18, Friday
School of Science
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Announces Admission open for
M.Sc. Environment and Natural Resources
The general requirement for entry into the MSc ENR programme is 50% marks or CGPA of more than 2.0 with a 4-year undergraduate science degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Forestry and allied subject areas. There is also a possibility to take one elective 3-credit course on Human Values and Personal Transformation as part of MSc program given by highly stem scholar from Bhutan and Nepal and is appreciated by students as transformative experiences to commit and care for better environment.
Deserving applicants shall receive scholarships available through the NORHED SUNREM-Himalaya Project. The last date to apply is Dec 30, 2015.
Special thesis topics to receive research funding support include:
Sustainable resource management in the changing climate context
Climate change adaptation and mitigation with reference to agriculture, water resources and urban environments.
MAPs and NTFPs as a means for livelihood security and climate change adaptation.
Interested candidates are encouraged to submit Graduate Application Forms along with application fee of Rs. 1250 (non-refundable) to:
of the Head of the Department (Block-06, Rm. 110)
Department of
Environmental Science and Engineering (DESE)
School of Science,
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel-7, Kavre