Admission Notice for Ph.D - DESE, School of Science, Kathmandu University

Published Date: 2014-03-04, Tuesday

Kathmandu University Ph.D. Admission

The Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Science, Kathmandu University announces the availability of fellowships for conducting Ph.D. research in the field of “Sustainable Natural Resources Management and Climate Change” and specific topics dealing with:

  • Enhancing soil quality through adoption of agroforestry practices incorporating cultivation of non-timber forest products and medicinal/aromatic plants.
  • Water harvesting and management for sustainable/enhanced production and domestic use.
  • Prospects of enhancing soil and water conservation and land productivity through vegetative and low-cost bioengineering techniques.
  • River water quality as influenced by agricultural/urban runoff and measures for sustainable management.
  • Options for sustainable agricultural intensification to ensure food and livelihood security in mountain farming.

Eligibility for admission into the Ph.D. program at the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Science, Kathmandu University are as follows:

  • A minimum of 17 years of prior education with a Masters (or M.Phil.) degree in Ecology, Environment, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Forestry or allied fields of study.
  • Age limit for research fellowship is 40 years (candidates should not be over 40 at the time of registration).
  • Proven research capacity through scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Prior research and or work experience in related fields.

Interested and eligible applicants are encouraged to apply at the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering (contact information below) by submitting a completed application form (available at the DESE webpage, downloads) along with the following documents:

  1. Cover letter indicating the reason and motivation for pursuing a Ph.D. in the above topic areas
  2. Attested copies of past academic records (high school, B.Sc., M.Sc./M.Phil.)
  3. Copy of citizenship certificate for Nepali applicants; copy of passport for foreign applicants
  4. Concept proposal (2-3) pages on one of the above or related topics

Applications are to be submitted to the Head, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, by 31st May 2014.  Short-listed candidates will be called for interview and asked to present their proposals for Ph.D. research.  Selected candidate(s) will be registered and enroll in the Ph.D. program by August 2014.  Priority will be given to female and/or applicants from disadvantaged/marginalized groups.  Fellowships will cover all tuition fees, field and laboratory research expenses and will include a nominal monthly stipend.

For further information or to submit an application contact:

The Head, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering

School of Science, Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel-7, Kavre, Nepal [G.P.O. Box 6250, Kathmandu, Nepal]
Tel.: +977-11-661399/661511; Fax.: +977-11-661443; E-mail:

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2014-03-04,Tuesday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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