Curriculum Review Meeting held successfuly

Published Date: 2019-11-27, Wednesday

The Graduate Curriculum Review Meeting was succesfully held at Balthali Mountain Resort on Friday and Saturday (22 and 23 Nov.). The participants of the meeting were all the faculty members of Masters programs including some administrative staff.
The major agenda of discussion were following:
1. Review of curriculum of M. Sc. ENR and M. Tech. ENE
2. Explore the possibilities of combined classes of ENR and ENE
3. Compilation/finalization of detail syllabus of all courses with topics with time. A sample is attached herewith for you rkind information.
4. Review of the template of thesis
5. Explore different options to increase number of student intake and strengtening the programs
6. AoB

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2019-11-27,Wednesday
Published By: School of Science, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
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