Mahesh Raj Bhatt

Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering
Correspondence: Balkot-2, Bhaktapur & Permanent: Marma-2, Darchula, Nepal
Honors and Awards
Other Position

Educational Background

  • M.E. in Structural Engineering (2017), School of Engineering, Kathmandu University
  • B.E. in Civil Engineering (2014), School of Engineering, Pokhara University

Employment History

  • June 2023 to Present :Assistant Professor , Department of Civil Engineering, Kathmandu University
  • September 2018- June 2023: Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Kathmandu University
  • June 2018-August 2018: Assistant Professor, Central Campus of Engineering, Mid-Western University, Nepal
  • Sept. 2016-March 2017: Teaching Assistant (Visiting Faculty), Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering, Kathmandu University
  • May 2015- July 2015: Civil Engineer, Government of Nepal, National Development Volunteers Service (NDVS), Kathmandu, Nepal.

Thesis /Project Supervision Kathmandu University

  • Masters thesis: Supervision of Six number of thesis  for Masters in Structural Engineering.
  • Bachelor final semester project: Supervisoin of several group of Final Semester Projecet of B.E in Civil Engineering. 
  • In semester project : Supervisoin of several group of in Semester Projecet of B.E in Civil Engineering.

Courses taken/taking: 

  • Structural Dynamics
  • Advanced Structural Design of Concrete Structures
  • Hydraulic Structures
  • Building Material-II
  • Estimation Valuation and Specification
  • Reinforced Concrete Structures Design 
  • Elements of Engineering
  • Design of Steel and timber Structures
  • Soil Mechanics

Professional and freelencing works

  • Analysis and Seismic resistant Design of Several Residential buildings ( for different location of Nepal) as per Indian Standard IS1893 and Nepal Building Code.
  • Review of Structural Detailing and Design of different Buildings (Residential, Commercial, Office and other)
  • Review and Preparation of Building Drawings Architectural and Structural (residential) as per design and drawing Guidelines
  • Perparation of valuation report followed by Gorkha Earthquake-2015, for the Post Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA) of Makadum Village Development Committee, Ramechhap District, Nepal

Professional Membership

  • Nepal Engineering Council NEC No: 11309 Civil "A"
  • Nepal Engineers Association NEA No: 15762
  • Member of Sakura Science Club, Japan

Honors and Awards
  • Masters Thesis Research Support (2017): From The University Grants Commission (UGC) Nepal.
  • Formulae Funding Full Scholarship for Masters Degree(2015-2017): Kathmandu Univesrity
  • Dean's List Student (2015): Pokhara University
  • Merit Based Full Scholarship for Bachelor Degree (2010-2014): Pokhara University

Research Interest:

  • Infilled RC structures
  • Structural response to the seismic effect
  • Masonry Buildings (behaviour to static and dynamic loadings)
  • Construction Material and masonry properties
  • Structural Analysis and design

Research Project Involvements:

  • Research Associate Parttime (Dec. 2018- June 2019): Seismic Safety and Resilience of Schools in Nepal (SAFER) project.
    • Research institution: University of Bristol
    • Principal investigators: Anastasios Sextos
    • Secondary institutions: Kathmandu University
    • Principal Investigator From Kathmandu University: Dr. Prachand Man Pradhan

  • Student Participant ( SRDIG 73/74-Engg-01): Construction of Design Response Spectrum for Nepal: A Probabilistic Approach
    • Funding agency: University Grants Commission
    • Grant reference: SRDIG 73/74-Engg-01
    • Research institution: Kathmandu University
    • Principal investigators: Dr. Prachand Man Pradhan
    • Student Participants : Mr. Shiva PrasadTimalsina, Mr. Mahesh Raj Bhatt

Other Position
  • (December 2018-June 2019): Research Associate (Part time) , SAFER Project, Kathmandu University
  • (Sept. 2016-March 2017): Teaching Assistant (Visiting Faculty member), Kathmandu University