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Durga Bista received her BPharm degree from Kathmandu University in 2003 and MSc (Medical Pharmacology) from Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal. She completed her PhD from University of Tasmania, Hobart Australia in 2016 under fully funded AUSAID Scholarship (ADS) supported by Australian Government. She worked as a lecturer at Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital from 2007-2012. After completing her PhD, she joined Kathmandu University, Department of Pharmacy in 2016.
Patient Outcome based research, Drug Utilization, Adverse Drug Reactions, Pharmacovigilane, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology
Key area of research: atrial fibrillation, anticoagulant optimization
Patient Outcome based research, Drug Utilization, Adverse Drug Reactions, Pharmacovigilane, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology
Key area of research: atrial fibrillation, anticoagulant optimization
1. Fellowship completed in the ‘Translational Research Capacity Building Initiatives to address Cardiovascular Diseases in Nepal’ (2018-2023) project at Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu University Hospital.
2. UGC Collaborative grant (Co-I). Monitoring Standard of treatment in patients screened with atrial fibrillation. (Ongoing)
3. Received AUSAID Scholarship (ADS) award to pursue PhD at UTAS, Australia, 2012-2016.
4. CO- Investigator, Production of xylanase for poultry feeding from a microbe by submerged fermentation and establishment of Nepal Microbial Type Culture Collection (NMTCC), funded by KU-IRDP/NTIC. (Ongoing)
5. Received fellowship for a short course from Netherlands fellowship programmes (NFP), funded by the Netherlands government (22 November-3 December), 2010 to participate in Competency Based Learning course (CBL) offered by MDF- Training and Consultancy in Ede, the Netherlands.