Bibhuti Ranjan Jha

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Science
Dhulikhel, Nepal
Honors and Awards


Address: Lalitpur-5, Manbhawan, Nepal

Current Address: Kathmandu University,

PO BOX: 6250

Dhulikhel, Nepal


Phone: 01-5008100 (Home); Mobile: 9841359519

Nationality: Nepal

Marital Status: Married and two children



1. Post-Doctoral studies in ‘Study of the advance and scientific fish sampling techniques and their assessment for the application in Nepalese conditions’ as a Visiting Scholar in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) under Fulbright Program 2013/2014

2. PhD, under sandwich program between Kathmandu University, Nepal and Agricultural University (BOKU), Vienna, in ‘Fish ecological studies and its application in assessing ecological integrity of rivers in Nepal’. 2006

3. Masters in Human Ecology, Free University of Brussels, 1998

4. Masters in Zoology with specialization in Ecology Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 1992

5. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), with Botany, Zoology, Chemistry and English Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 1987

6. Proficiency Certificate, with Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Math and English, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 1984

Honors and Awards

1 Belgian Administration of Development Cooperation (ABOS), 1996 – 1998, To study Masters of Science in Human Ecology at VUB, Brussels.

2 North – South Fellowship Program, Austrian Exchange Service, 01.03.2002-31.08.2003, for research leading to PhD.

3 IUCN Nepal Country Office, 2003 – For the research work titled, “Impact on the ecological integrity of the river system by some disturbances with fish as an indicator”.

4 WWF, Nepal (Agreement # WL47), 2011-12 - Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Fish Assemblage in Indrawati Sub-Basin.

5 Consulting Services to assist in Fish Survey for Environmental Study of the Upper Bagmati River Environment, Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (BRBIP) TA 8050, NEP.

6 Fulbright Visiting Scholar grant, Nepali Fulbright Senior Scholar/ Artist Program 2013-2014, US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) and the Nepal Fulbright Commission, ‘Study of the advance and scientific fish sampling techniques and their assessment for the application in Nepalese conditions’, in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech).

7 Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)/ADB, 2015-2016. River Ecological Study: Assessing the Climate Change and Building the Base for Adaptation.

8 The UGC Collaborative Research Grant, 2072-73 (2017) for the Collaborative Research Project titled, “River Ecological Study: Building the Base for Water Resource Management and Policy Making”.


River/Fresh Water Ecology

Fish Ecology



Nature Conservation

Climate Change

Human Ecology

Sustainable Development
