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View all programsI have been teaching and facilitating quantitative technique; Operation Management, business mathematics, statistics, and Quantitative technique since 2009 and as the faculty of Department of Management Informatics and Communications (DOMIC) at Kathmandu University (KU) since 2018. I engage my students in my own signature teaching pedagogy/andragogy which is found to increase the interest of students in their respective fields. I have designed my own ideal curriculum which is based on binomial distribution and published in 2016 as well. Specifically, I try to develop higher order thinking skills in students through the lens of Bloom’s Taxonomy. My research works also revolves around Philosophy of Management Education, Operation Management and Data Analysis which is centred around my academic background; MPhil in mathematics education and Master in Business studies (MBS). I am the initiator and current adviser of KUMERCH and BUILD TO SOLVE sustainable programs under the DoMIC in which students are connecting their curriculum in to the real world as well as getting exposure in different parts of the nation. Beside this, I am involving in School Improvement Project (SIP), and Participatory Action Research. I also hold the membership of Mixed Method International Research Association (MMIRA): USA.
I believe in transformative education for service of mankind.
1. Rewarded 1300 Euro after presenting the conceptual paper on "Philosophy of Mahematics Education: Relevence in Classrooom" from International Congress of Matheatics Education, Hamburg University: Germany (2016).
2. The book of Mixed Methods Application in Action Research (SAGE) was rewarded by its author (Nataliya V. Ivankova, The University of Alabama at Birmingham) as the best performer in a Acction research Workshop at Vienna University, 2018.
Didactically, decontextualizing engagement in educational practice is in dilemma for the learners from a pragmatic standpoint. How can higher-order thinking skills be developed in managerial education? Who I am? Why am I teaching? What am I teaching? How am I teaching? What will my learners become after studying management studies? Connotative connections with these questions may be indispensable for transformative educational practices in teaching and learning. Gradually, excavation of the level of consciousness process in learner through transformative andragogy in managerial education and Operational Research are my research interest.
Program initiator and advisor of
1. Build to Solve
2. KUmearch