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View all programsMr. Pratisthit Lal Shrestha is Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Coordinator of Design and Manufacturig Subdivision at Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has been delivering lectures to undergraduate students on Machine Element Design & Processe I & II (MEEG 315 & MEEG 318) since 2013 and Engineering Design (MEPG 502) to graduate students occasionally.
He has obtained his Masters from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Trichy, India and Bachelors from Kathmandu University (KU). Currently, he is leading Design lab under Design and Manufacturing Subdivision in Department of Mechanical Engineering. Design lab is one of its kind technology incubation centres. He has been involved in the field of Biomechatronics, Prosthetics, Assistive Devices and Product Development in Design lab (
Research Projects
Machine Learning Application on Development of Human Gait Analysis System for Clinical Purpose, using data from Computer Vision and Embedded Sensors funded by Simula Research Laboratory (2022 - 2024)
Control System of Sediment affected Hydropower Equipment & its Application in Bionic Hand funded by NTNU through Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug (2020 - 2022)
Enhancement of design and manufacturing capacity of Francis turbine in Nepal funded by NORAD through EnergizeNepal (2019 - 2021), in partnership with Nepal Micro Hydro Development Association (NMHDA) & Nepal Yantra Shala Energy (NYSE)
Piloting of Community based Rural Cold Store for Post-Harvest Storage of Agro Products funded by KOICA through IRDP (2019-2020) in partnership with D-Lab, MIT, USA
India Science & Research Fellowship (ISRF) by Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Department of Science and Technology at TTK Center for Rehabilitaiton Research and Device Development (R2D2), IIT Madras, India (2022-2023)
Short Term fellowship by Health Exchange Nepal (HExN) on Prsothesis & Orthoses Manufacturing at Specialist Mobility Rehabilitation Centre (SMRC), Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, UK (2017)
Dr. Homi J. Bhabha Scholarship from Indian Government through Indian Embassy for Post Graduate studies (2010 - 2012)
Prosthetic Device Design, Assistive Technology, Additive Manufacturing
Coordinator (Design and Manufacturing), DoME
Principal Investigator, Design Lab, DoME