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Established a track record for the high-impact publication with Scopus h-index: 14 and 1000+ Citation in Google Scholar.
Demonstrated capacity in undertaking cross-disciplinary research and securing grants.
Specialized knowledge and experiences on hydropower technology and sediment handling.
Proven excellence in strategic planning and executing of consulting projects.
Professional leadership qualities and capacity for administrative responsibilities.
Current Position:
Associate Professor (March 2022 - Till now), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal
PhD in Fluids Engineering (2013-2016), Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
MS by Research in Hydraulic Machinery (2010-2012), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering (2003-2005), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (1998-2002), Kathmandu University, Nepal
Intermediate of Science (1996-1998), Kathmandu University, Nepal
Profession Experience:
Member, Standing Committee on Studies, World Energy Council, 2022 - Till now.
Member, Coordination Committee of Nepal Government for Green Hydrogen Policy, 2021- Till now.
Co-Lead, Thematic Working Group on Energy, Himalayan University Consortium, 2021- Till now.
Project Leader, “Pilot Scale Green Ammonia Production in Nepal for Contribution to Domestic Economy and Better Utilization of Hydropower Electricity”, funded by Nepal Electricity Authority to Kathmandu University, 2022-2024.
Project Leader, “Design of Industrial Scale Green Urea Production in Nepal for Contribution to the Domestic Economy and Better Utilization of Hydropower Electricity”, funded by Bagmati Province Government, Nepal to Kathmandu University, 2022-2023.
Project Leader, “Incubation of Synthetic Natural Gas Production Enterprise for Utilization in Cooking Sector”, funded by KOICA to Kathmandu University, 2022-2023.
Project Leader, “Technology Transfer and Local Adaptation for Developing NOC as a Hydrogen Fuel Producing and Distributing Company”, funded by Nepal Oil Corporation to Kathmandu University, 2021-2023.
SubConsultant to Stantec for World Bank project on “Hydropower to Hydrogen Potential in Nepal: A High-Level Preliminary Study”, 2021.
Institutional Contact Person and Project Lead at KU, Hydro-Himalaya Project funded by Norwegian Government, 2021-2026.
Member Secretary and Faculty-in-Charge, Turbine Testing Lab, Kathmandu University, April 2012 -Dec 2013 & March 2018 - March 2021
Team Leader, Green Hydrogen Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University
Supervisor for 2 PhD and 6 Masters by Research studies at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University; 1 PhD Student at Western Sydney University, Australia; and Masters student at University of Flensburg, Germany.
Visiting Scholar, State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, China, 2019-2020
Focal Person from Kathmandu University to the Himalayan University Consortium to follow up the activities associated with HUC on relevant Thematic Work Groups, 2018-2020
Project Leader for the project “Capacity and competence development for introducing Francis Turbine in Nepalese Micro Hydropower Projects”, funded by NORAD to Kathmandu University, 2018-2020.
Project Leader for the project “Cooperation for Capacity Development Program on Education of Future Generation of Water Resources Development Professionals”, funded by World Bank to Kathmandu University, 2017-2018
Focal Person for implementing MoU between Kathmandu University and NEA Engineering Company; between Kathmandu University and Chilime Engineering and Services Company; and, between Kathmandu University-School of Engineering and School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering at Wuhan University for “Cooperation in the field of energy and power sector development and contribution to increased cooperation between academic institutions and industries for education and research”
Activity Leader for the project “EnergizeNepal Project at TTL (Establishment of a center for design, operation, and maintenance of mechanical equipment for hydropower plants in Himalaya Region at Kathmandu University)”, funded by NORAD/ The Royal Norwegian Embassy to Kathmandu University, 2016-2021
Expert Consultant for the project “Incubation of Turbine Design Services as a Spin-off Company from TTL and Developing Competencies for Designing and Manufacturing Francis turbines for Low Head Applications", funded by NORAD to Kathmandu University, 2015
Project Leader for the project “Capacity Development for Utilization of Reversible Pump Turbines in Nepalese Hydropower Projects”, funded by NORAD to Kathmandu University, 2013-2014
Project Leader for the project “Need assessment of Improvement on traditional foundry technology of Nepali arts and crafts for implementing in engineering products”, funded by University Grant Commission to Kathmandu University, 2013-2014
Activity Leader for the project “Feasibility Study for Turbine Manufacturing and Testing Facility in Nepal”, funded by NORAD/ The Royal Norwegian Embassy to Kathmandu University, 2012-2013
Exchange Researcher, Waterpower Laboratory, NTNU, Norway, February-June 2011
Activity Leader for the project “Development of hydraulic turbines with new design philosophy as a foundation for turbine manufacturing in Nepal”, funded by NORAD to Kathmandu University, 2010-2013
Resource Person for Synthesis Workshop on Renewable energy transitions: A comparative assessment of the Hindu Kush Himalaya, Andes, and Alps, HUC/ICIMOD, 2021.
Co-Chair, IAHR-Asia Conference, Nepal, 2021.
Session Chair, IAHR-ASIA Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2019, Korea
Best Paper Award, iCAEED, Australia, 2019
Invited Speaker ‘2018 International Workshop on Renewable Energy Development’, Mokpo University, Korea
Represented Nepal in ‘Second Meeting of the Himalayan University Consortium Thematic Working Group on Water', co-organized by ICIMOD and Yunnan University, China, 2018
Participation in ‘Asia Pacific Water Leadership Program’, co-organized by ICIMOD and ICEWaRM, Australia, April 2018
Invited speaker in a side event ‘Hydropower – part of the solution for sustainable development at ‘Global SDG 7 Conference’, United Nations ESCAP, Thailand, 2018
Invited speaker at the ‘Nepal Power Investment Summit 2018’, organized by Energy Development Council of Nepal, 2018
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Energy, SCIREA, 2018
Resource Person, Workshop on Understanding Plagiarism, Nepal, 2017
Participation in ‘PIV Training Program’ conducted by LaVision GmbH, Germany, 2015.
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Renewable Energy Journal, Elsevier, 2017
Best Paper Award, Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 2011
Participation in ‘Sediment Management Workshop’ organized by International Center for Hydropower (ICH), Nepal, 2010
Participation in ‘Invitation Program for Science and Technological Human Resources’ conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Center, Japan, 2010
Sediment Erosion,
Experimental Methods,
Particle Image Velocimetry,
Renewable Energy,
Green Hydrogen
April 2012-March 2022, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University
March 2018-March 2021, Faculty In-Charge, Turbine Testing Lab, Kathmandu University
April 2012- Dec 2013, Member Secretary, Turbine Testing Lab, Kathmandu University
Feb 2010 -March 2012, Research Fellow, Turbine Testing Lab, Kathmandu University
Jan 2008 - Jan 2010, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Eastern Engineering College, Nepal
Jan 2006 - Dec 2008, Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University
Aug 2004 - July 2005, Lecturer, Kantipur City College, Purbanchal University, Nepal
Aug 2002 - July 2004, Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University