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1. PhD (Dr. Ing)
Institute : Institute of Energy and Process Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Trondheim, Norway
Duration : April 2001 – September 2004
Thesis title : Sand Erosion in Hydraulic Machinery
2. Master of Engineering (Mechanical)
Institute : Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani,
Rajasthan, India
Year of Passing : 1999
3. Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
Institute : Punjab Engineering College
University : Panjab University, Chandigarh, INDIA
Year of Passing : 1991
4. Proficiency Certificate Level (Science)
Institute : Amrit Science Campus, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
University : Tribhuvan University
Year of Passing : 1986
5. School Leaving Certificate (S. L. C.)
Institute : Laboratory High School, Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Board : HMG, Nepal
Year of Passing : 1983
Additional Qualification
1. Post Graduate Course in Maintenance
Institute : International Institute of Technology and Management
Enschede, The Netherlands
Duration : 30 / 08 / 1993 to 17 / 12 / 1993
Objective of Course : Training in theoretical and practical maintenance, maintenance organization and maintenance management at supervisory level for junior and senior maintenance officer, involved in company training courses, and for teachers in technical institutes.
2. Diploma in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
Institute : Mahavir Institute of Technology
Chandigarh, India
Duration : Aug. 1990 to Nov. 1990
Objective of Course : Repair, maintenance and installation of refrigeration and air-conditioning machines.
1. Training Course in Legal Framework in Hydropower Development
Organization : International Centre for Hydropower, Oslo, Norway
Duration : 18-23 March 2007
Objective : The course is designed for policy makers of government and public institutes for enhancing the development of hydropower through efficient management system. The course covered topics like suitable legal framework, governmental agencies, international institutions, environmental aspects, project financing, project development, corruption.
2. Training Course in Hydropower Resources Development and Management
Organization : International Centre for Hydropower (NORAD supported training course)
Trondheim, Norway
Duration : 1 – 20th September 1997
Objective : The course was designed for senior personnel from the organization related to Hydropower. The major objective of the course was to improve participants' ability to understand different areas related to hydropower such as technology, financing, legal and institutional frameworks, managerial scheme, environmental impact and water value etc.
1. Norwegian Fellowship under the Quota Program for PhD study at NTNU, Norway in the year 2001
2. Certificate with gold medal awarded by Ministry for Education on the occasion of EDUCATION DAY 2054 for contribution in education field.
3. Fellowship under the Netherlands Fellowship Programme was awarded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands for participating in the Maintenance Course organized by IITM, Enschede, The Netherlands, under the recommendation of H.M.G. Nepal in the year 1993.
4. Colombo Plan Scholarship awarded for four year by Government of India under the recommendation of Ministry of education, H.M.G., Nepal in 1986.
5. Gold Medal with certificate was awarded by Laboratory School in 1983 for standing first division in S.L.C. examination 1983 (BS 2039).
Hydropower, Hydraulic machinery, Sand Erosion, Mechanical Systems, Higher Educational Management, Quality Assurance and Accreditation
1. Administrative Positions(KU) :
Acting Vice Chancellor (16 Dec 2017-20 Jan 2017)
Registrar, (15 June 2013 till 23 August 2018)
- Serving as member secretary of KU Senate (Chaired by Prime Minister as Chalcellor of KU), Executive Council and Academic council of KU
- Serving as Member Secretar of Board ot Trustee of KU
- Serving as Chairman of Examination Board, KU
Dean, School of Engineering, (2008 till April 2016)
- Served as ex-officio member of KU Senate, Executive Council and Academic council of KU
- Served as Ex-officio chairman of Faculty Board and Research Committee of School of Engineering
- Served as Chairman of Internal Quality Assurance Committee of School of Engineering and School was accrediated by University Grants Commission Nepal
Acting Dean, School of Engineering (March 2007-2008)
Head of Dept, Dept. of Comp. Sc. & Engg (Aug 2006)
Officiating Dean, School of Engineering (July 2005-2007)
Associate Dean, School of Engineering (May 2005)
Head of Dept, Dept of Mech Engg (April 2005)
Incharge, Dept of Mech Engg (2000 and 2005)
Academic Position :
Professor (Since 2008)
Associate Professor (April 2005)
Asst. Professor (2000)
Lecturer (Sept 1994)
Organization : Department of Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering,
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Nepal
Field of work :
* Planning and monitoring activities and resources of department/school
* Development of new academic program at School of Engineering
* Resource generation for school and university
* Deliver lectures to the undergraduate and graduate level students in engineering and science and to conduct practical classes
* Supervising the engineering and research projects
* Curriculum development
* Developing educational materials for engineering education
* Planning laboratory
* Providing consulting services to the industry and execution of externally funded research projects
Special Assignments:
- Member, Project Advisory Committee, EnergizeNepal Project, Funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway (2016-2021)
- Chairman of Project Implementation Unit of KOICA funded Technical Training Center (2011-2013)
- Head of Research and Training Network (RTN) under Project funded by ADB to establish South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) ICT Research and Training Network (Project started at 2011 – ends at 2015), KU is nominated as RTC by Ministry of Information and Communication, GoN.
- Chairman/member of Operation and Management Committee of NORAD funded Turbine Testing Laboratory at Kathmandu University (since 2011)
- Member of Governing Board of Nepal Banepa Polytechnic Institute, CTEVT
- Steering committee member of NORAD funded Research Program "RenewableNepal" jointly managed by KU and SINTEF Energy Research, Norway (2010-2014)
- Steering committee member of Norwegian funded EnPe International Master Program in Planning and Operation of Energy System at KU (in collaboration with NTNU since 2010)
- Steering committee member of SIU funded NOMA International Master Program in Electrical Power Engineering at KU (in collaboration with NTNU since 2008)
- Steering committee member of NORAD supported RenewableNepal, research based industrial development program for Nepal (since 2009)
- Main implementating agency for Norwegian Himal Asia Mission (NHAM) project for Development of Engineering Education at KU since 2005.
2. Post : Project Assistant
Organization : Educational Development Division,
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India
Duration : Jan 1999 to Dec 1999.
Field of work :
* Instructor for practical courses for B.E Program in Mechanical Engineering.
3. Post : Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
Organization : National Construction Company of Nepal Limited (Government Undertaking) Kathmandu, Nepal
Duration : Dec. 1991 to Nov. 1994
Field of work :
* Worked in mechanical department as mechanical engineer.
* Worked as section incharge in Stone Crusher and Quarry Section, Earth Moving Equipment Section and Workshop section.
4. Post : Primary school teacher cum librarian.
Organization : Laboratory Boarding School
Duration : July 1986 to December 1986