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View all programsPeople call me Suresh. I am from Dang District of Nepal. I am living with two daughters and a wife in Lalitpur, now. I have been associated with Kathmandu University Since 2009 as a student and visiting faculty. In 2015, I was appointed as a lecturer under the project of Locating Public Finance Dynamics in Education in Nepal and as a tenured Assistant Professor in 2019.
My teaching career choice was not planned and desired when I started teaching in 2000 as a lower secondary level English teacher, but I taught health, population and environment, social studies for grade six and seven. Then gradually, I gained some qualities to be a teacher in schools and colleges which ultimately made me a teacher. I have spent around 21 years as a nomad teacher who moved from one to other schools and colleges frequently in Kathmandu.
Such metro struggle and experience of teaching directs my interest to research on transformative educational research, youth and adult education and qualitative research. I conducted the arts- based narrative research of urban youth in the metropolitan city, Kathmandu in PhD and literacy and adult education among Tharu women in Nepal as my M. Phil study. Kathmandu University School of Education awarded me both MPhil and PhD Degrees.
I have been teaching the courses such as Sociology of Education and Development, Sociology of Sustainable Development and Research methods in Kathmandu University School of Education. I also involve in inhouse research and publication of Kathmandu University vis. Journal of Education and Research. I was also awarded with Young Research Grant from University Grants Commission, International Visitor Leadership Program from the State Department of United State and COMPARE fellowship from British Association of International and Comparative Education.
Compare Fellowship from British Association for International and Comparative Education, UK for a year from October 2019- October 2020.
International Visitor Leadership Program in Higher Education, United States Department of State 2016 November 27- December 21.
Fresh Category PhD Scholarship from University Grant Commission, Nepal, 2012
Dissertation Assistance for M. Phil. Dissertation, From University Grant Commission, Nepal, 2010
Urban education, Youth education, Adult education, Transformative education, Educational resilience, Youth identity and Life long learning
Coordinator- Master in Sustainable Development