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View all programsDr Poudel coordinates the Research and Innovation Center and teaches post-graduate courses at the School of Education Kathmandu University. Previously, Dr. Poudel worked as a post-doc fellow at the Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany. He extensively worked on the issues of South Asian languages contributing to the theory of ergativity and affix suspension while working in Germany. Educated in India, Nepal and Germany, Dr Poudel is interested in the issues of the emerging varieties of English and the impacts of English Education on South Asian societies. He teaches course on western theories, applied linguistics and qualitative research. He has extensively worked on the issues of minority languages of the reason and his publications are well-received in academic world.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
---(2001) ‘Linguistic Approach to Blake’s ‘The Tyger’’. Nepalese Linguistics: vol. 18. Kathmandu. Linguistic Society of Nepal.
---(2002) ‘The Category of Aspect in Nepali and Manipuri’. Nepalese Linguistics: vol. 19. Kathmandu. Linguistic Society of Nepal. p 48-57.
---(2008) Modality in Manipuri’ Nepalese Linguistics: vol. 23. Kathmandu. Linguistic Society of Nepal. p 235-256.
Qutoshi, S.B. and T. Poudel. 2014. Student Centered Approach to Teaching: What does it Mean for the Stakholders of a Community School in Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 4 (1) pp. 19-33 DOI:
---(2016) ‘Mechanisms for Cumulation of Exponents’. Nepalese Linguistics: vol 31. Kathmandu. Linguistic Society of Nepal. p 53-58.
--- (2017) ‘The Semantics of the Ergative in Nepali’. Gipan: vol 3(2). Kathmandu. Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University. Pp.61-86.
---(2017) ‘Cross-referencing Person-Number Exponents: Sources, Cumulation and Separation’ Journal of Indian Linguistics: 78 (3-4), Linguistic Society of India. Pp 1-15.
---(2019) ‘The Place of English in Educational Policy Documents of Nepal: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Journal of Nepalese Studies: Vol. 12 (1). Kathmandu. Nepal Academy. Pp. 112-128.
--- (2020) ‘Ergativity and Stage/Individual Level Predicates in Nepali and Manipuri’ Journal of South Asian Linguistics (JSAL). Vol. 11(1) CSLI Publications, Stanford University, USA URL:
Rajbanshi Grammar and Interlinearized Text (2006) Lincom Europa: Munich. ISBN 3 89586 323 8
Tense, Aspect and Modality in Nepali and Manipuri (2007) Lincom Europa: Munich. ISBN 978 3 89586 186 4
Santali: Grammatical Notes and Analyzed Texts (2015, reprint 2017) Scholar’s Press: Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN 978-3-639-76280-8
English in Nepal: History, Development and Policies (2021) School of Education Kathmandu University.
Book Chapters
2011. ‘Rajbanshi (in Nepal). With Yogendra Yadava. In Languages of the World: New Indo-Aryan Languages. Edited byTatiana I. Oranskaia, Yulia V. Mazurova, Andrej A Kibrik, Leonid I Kulikov, Aleksendra Y Ruskov, Moscow; Academia.
2021. Improving Academic Writing Skills of English Language Teacher Trainees through ICT. With Laxman Gnawali. In Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education. Edited by Ellen Carm, Monica Johannesen, Bal Chandra Luitel, Leikny Øgrim, and Prem Phyak. Leiden: Brill.
Gold Medal (M A in Linguistics, Tribhuvan University)
Tense, Aspect, Modality, Ergativity, New Englishes, English in Nepal, Affix Suspension
Cordinator: Research and Innovation Center