Buddha Shrestha

Assistant Professor,
Architecture, Department of Architecture, School of Engineering
PO Box 6250, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel Department of Civil Engineering
Honors and Awards
Other Position
  • Masters of Science (M.Sc) „ Infrastructure Planning“ University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. (2014)
  • Bachelor in Architecture
    Kathmandu Engineering College, Tribhuvan University, Nepal (2005)

Conference, Seminar, and workshop

  • Participated in staff teaching mobility program within the frame of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program at Yildiz Technical University from 10.06.2019-14.06.2019.
  • Participation in the “ Returning Expert Regional networking meet 04-06 June, in New Dehli organized by GIZ.
  • Participation in workshop and training on “Knowledge sharing on sustainable development „ 8-10 December 2017, Kathmandu conducted by GIZ.
  • Participation in the Vision Workshop organized by Dhulikhel Municipality July 2017 to set a long-term vision of Dhulikhel Municipality.
  • Participation in the Workshop “Building Research“ In Dhulikhel 15-25 November 2016, conducted by a team of TU, Berlin.
  • Participation in Second International Conference-2014 on "Climate change- A Global Challenges. Contribution of Infrastructure Planning", Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Participation in STUBE Seminar " Introduction to Development Politics" 2014, Stuttgart.
  • Participation in CIM (Center for International Migration and Development) seminar-2014, Bonn

Membership in Professional Society

  • General member of Nepal Engineer Council.
  • General member of Society of Nepalese Architects (SONA).
  • General member of Rotary Club of Dhulikhel
Honors and Awards
  • Awarded with DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst e.V) Scholarship for Master's in Infrastructure Planning, University of Stuttgart, Germany. (2012)
  • Awarded with first prize in Design Competition, National Archiview 2003, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Heritage Conservation
  • Mountain Architecture
Other Position

Coordinator, Architecture Program.