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View all programsPublished Date: 2019-08-22, Thursday
Kathmandu University School of Education participated in a
Nepal People’s Forum on Sustainable Development 2019 (
NPFSD 2019) with a theme, “Accelerating civil society engagement: Realizing SDGs in Action”. The forum included over 70 Local, National, International CSOs including UN institutions and public institutions; National Planning Commission, Line Ministries, political units of Assembly, politicians and National Federations. KUSOED had been an
Academic Partner
to the program. Our graduates volunteered in developing and presenting thematic papers on the sessions, whereas Mr. Parbat Dhungana Assistant Professor, Sustainable Development Program Unit participated as a panelist and also presented his observation on the thematic paper ‘The 2030 Agenda/SDGs”. The processes will feed towards developing Nepal’s stances on United Nations important international events in September 2019; SDG Summit 2019, High level Dialogue on Financing for Development 2019, Climate Action Summit 2019 and High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage as a part of UN General Assembly, and Asia Pacific Week on Climate Change and UN Convention to Combat Desertification. KUSOED is thankful to the forum for realizing the collaboration among people, civil society and academia.