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View all programsPublished Date: 2019-09-21, Saturday
KUCONC announces the call for various position at Alchemy 2019.
All the students from Chemical Engineering at Kathmandu University are welcome to apply for the Core Committee of Alchemy 2019.
Committee members: All the members from the different pre-event activities and Board Members
The application form for the pre-event and committee member is available at:
Additional call for members: 2 (Preference to the ones with transportation utility)
The final list of the core committee for ALCHEMY-2019 including all the event members will be published by the club on 25 September as per the time availability.
All the departments will have orientation by the club and their own meeting on 26th September, 2019 at 4:00 PM.
Venue: Block 9, Kathmandu University